I was really excited to add the King of Berries "Strawberry" plant to my front garden at Ollur. My sister brought me a plant from Nelliyampathy AVT Horticultural Garden. I actually need a Polyhouse for Climate control since Strawberries are Cold climate fruits. But I am hoping to see it bloom in my Garden in the shade of a Mango Tree. It will get a reasonable amount of Sunlight in the morning and that will help it grow. So I now have Custard Apple, Pommegranate, Grapes, Mango, Strawberry, Lemon and Rambutan in front of my House at Ollur.

This blog is a platform to publish my experiments with cooking. It also incorporates my organic farming ventures at home. It is high time we discard the toxic and adulterated food and go back to mother nature and find more edible plants and fruits which are not preferred by the present generation. We are also bringing out a self invented recipe of healthy and delicious fresh cut Veg. Salads and Soups which can be tried by anyone for a change.