Saturday, August 11, 2012

Aloe Vera Juice

Please see my previous post on fresh aloe vera juice. Here is it...!!
Rupees 45 for that whole plant and it takes half of one leaf to make 3 big glasses of juice.
The juice shown above was little sour though. But today I made a nice sweet refreshing glass of juice. See my last post to see the preparation.

Grapes grown in Thrissur

I bought a little grape vine from Thrissur ABARD extn counter some time ago. It was planted with some organic manure and lots of care every week. Now it is touching skies and is ready to blanket our Car Porch. I applied groundnut manure 2-3 times and the growth was amazing. It will take 2-3 years they say to taste some real grapes. But having that grape vine in the front porch is like having a Ferrari..!! Lot of secret admirers who passby on the road infront of my home have comments... I know.

Green Bananas

This bumper crop is almost ready for harvest. Boy, it is going to be more than 100 green bananas on my breakfast table to go hand in hand with the Puttu. Again no poison and chemical like what you get in the shop or Vegetable market in Kerala.

The best part is I did not sweat much for this apart from some initial addition of organic manure (2-3 times) in the first month. All that is seen here is the good plain nutrients it absorbed from the soil to grow this much...!!

Salad Cucumber

Dense growth of Salad Cucumber in my backyard. If the pouring rain these days leave the plant untouched, I may get some garden fresh cucumbers for my salad. No poison in this one. I can eat it without fear.....