Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bachelor Quick Dinner Ideas

Bachelors find very less time to cook and usually want to cut costs on eating out. Here is a quick method to prepare mouth watering dish for 4-5 people for the cost of one single item on a Restaurant Menu.


Buy a Knorr Chinese Hot & Sour or Manchurian Pack from the supermarket.
Slice some carrots like matchstick type (2-3 nos), capsicum (big-1), garlic 5-6 pods and green chillies (2-3 big).
Cut the Knorr pack and add to water as given in the instructions on the pack. Bring it to boil by stirring.
Saute the veggies or semi boil it. Add it to the pot and slow simmer for 5 min. A delicious Chinese dish for 4-5 bachelors ready for Chappatti or bread. Ideal for a quick dinner on table.

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