Saturday, March 9, 2013

Njaval or Jamun at home in Ollur

This is the Blue Berry of the Tropics. Yes, indeed the Violet/Purple/Black fruit is called Njaval Pazham in Kerala and Jamun in the North. It is wonderful fruit but is not usually not available in the Fruit stalls. It is said to have magical medicinal properties to fight off Diabetes. But it is rare to see around.


9895039531 seeandoh said...

I recently found out that this is not Jamun. Sorry. It is Grumichama or Spanish Berry. Looks and tastes like Jamun. It flowered a lot last month. Will look beautiful with all that fruit on it.

9895039531 seeandoh said...

Again apologies. It is Kili Njaval as known in Kerala. The birds flock to the tree when the violet berries are ripe. So it is called Kili Njaval. The fruit is good for controlling sugar levels in the body.

mathew fernandez said...

Can it be grown from seed?

ajmal said...

Yes...but you can get bud or grafted plants from almost all nurseries...

9895039531 seeandoh said...

A lot of small plants grow from seeds under the tree. But I do not keep them, because it takes lot of space and I have only 10 cents...!! But I give to those who ask for it. Also I planted two plants near our Ollur Church Football Ground.