Friday, July 20, 2012

Poisonous Fruits and Vegetables in Kerala Shops

Kerala is a Market to dump all types of Goodies for everyone. Be it Fruits, Veggies, Meat, Egg or whatever. Mallus will buy them. There is no choice for them. The suppliers of these items make sure they make max profit out of it. No matter what is in it. Be it Endosulfan, Furudan, or other highly toxic chemicals and pesticides, Steroids and Preservatives, Shoe Polish, Wax and Petroleum Jelly, Mallus will eat the stuff which is ripe and shining and like the advertisers say "Worlds Largest/Biggest or India's Largest Showroom" they will buy the Largest and Biggest fruits and veggies in the shop. They think that is the best available and will pay the premium price tag and make sure it goes into their stomach the earliest.
No one is bothered to buy the smallest tomato, thinnest drumstick or banana thinking that they are not superior produce. I suggest to buy those items since they might have the least amount of poison inside.

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